There are a lot of things that go on inside of our bodies that we never knew about or we simply weren’t aware of; for instance, we know that our nose creates mucus, but did you know that the average nose creates about a cupful of mucus every day? There’s more where that came from. Keep reading to discover more weird, amazing, and well, kinda gross facts about our bodies!
The human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap. We aren’t sure how to feel about this one because, to be honest, we can’t tell, according to this soap scale, if seven bars seems like a lot or not so much.
(image via: istock)
You produce 40,000 liters of spit in your lifetime. If you’re like us, that doesn’t mean a lot, but we do know that 40,000 is a big number. To put things into perspective, that’s enough to fill around five hundred bathtubs! (Ewwww!)
Front the time you’re born to the time you die, your body goes from containing 300 bones to containing only 206 bones. While this still seems like a larger number of bones, we have many questions.
The entire surface of your skin is replaced each month, this happens roughly 1,000 times in our lifetimes, ish. New skin every month, people! Okay, well, kinda.
(image via: istock)
When you blush, the inside of your stomach also blushes! So remember that the next time you find yourself a bit on the flustered side.
Speaking of farts, did you know you fart enough in just one day to fill a party balloon? And some of us probably fart enough to fill more balloons. Just sayin’.
Have you ever noticed how when you’re swimming or diving your body’s reaction isn’t to simply drown? You, in fact, notice that you tend to bob to the water’s surface? This is the “diver’s reflex” hard at work once your body realizes you’re submerged in water and shuts down your bodily functions.
(image via: istock)
Spanning our lifetime, most people spend an entire year sitting on the toilet.
In extreme cases of starvation, the brain starts to eat itself. And while you may feel like you’ve experienced this kind of starvation when you’ve taken your lunch break exactly 20 minutes later than normal, you haven’t. Though it is a fun way to be dramatic and drop some knowledge.
You can’t breathe and swallow at the same time. Go ahead. Try it.
(image via: istock)