In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where the iconic skyscrapers pierce the sky and millions of people tread upon its streets daily, an unseen phenomenon lurks beneath the surface—subsidence. Subsidence, a process characterized by the gradual sinking or settling of the Earth's crust, poses a unique and captivating challenge to the city's infrastructure and urban … [Read more...] about This Major City Is Sinking: Here’s What Scientists Know So Far
Science News Roundup- Recent Discoveries That Will Amaze You
In the past three years, scientists haven't received the accolades and attention they deserve. The focus on COVID-19 has made the world forget about many other things. However, many scientists and researchers have been making different discoveries in the background. Different scientific discoveries have come up in recent years, from AI advancements to life-creation … [Read more...] about Science News Roundup- Recent Discoveries That Will Amaze You
Climate Science Breakthroughs: Hopeful News in the Battle Against Climate Change
Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most defining challenges of our time. You don't have to be glued to the news 24/7 to catch wind of the latest climate-related catastrophe – the Moroccan earthquake. You might ponder: are there research efforts toward quelling climate change? Let’s find out the progress scientists have made. What is the Cause? As dire as the … [Read more...] about Climate Science Breakthroughs: Hopeful News in the Battle Against Climate Change
The Science of Happiness: How Neuroscience Explains What Makes Us Happy
Happiness, that elusive yet cherished state of being, has long captivated human interest. What makes us happy? How can we sustain it? While philosophers and poets have pondered these questions for millennia, modern neuroscience offers compelling insights into the biological underpinnings of happiness. From neurotransmitters to neural networks, let's delve into the science of … [Read more...] about The Science of Happiness: How Neuroscience Explains What Makes Us Happy
Aliens? Hi, This is Earth
Humanity has always wondered whether we are alone in the universe. Over the past decades scientists and astronomers tried to communicate with whom ever is out there. sending messages into space involves a combination of technology, physics, and careful planning to ensure that the messages can be transmitted, received, and understood across the vast distances of the cosmos. Here … [Read more...] about Aliens? Hi, This is Earth