Our brains are as fascinating as they are complex, and as we said, we’re no brain surgeons, but we know a thing or two about the brain, so allow us to impart some wisdom to you. Here are some super cool facts about our brain!
Our brain weighs about three pounds, but size does not equal intelligence. And how do we know this? Because men tend to have larger brains than women, and well… Okay, okay, all jokes aside, size doesn’t equal intelligence, and our brains do weigh roughly three pounds. And while we’re on about it, the texture is comparable to a firm jelly. (And we aren’t sure how we feel about that.)
You never multitask. That’s right, so stop telling potential future employers that you’re a great multitasker. But seriously, what you’re experiencing when you believe to be multitasking is actually context switching; we are in fact switching back and forth between different tasks quickly rather than doing them at the same time.
(image via: istock)
Has anyone ever told you that you only use 10% of your brain? Well, that person was wrong. You use all of it! Even while you’re sleeping.
Speaking of brains working while we’re sleeping, dreams are a combination of imagination, physiological factors, and neurological factors, proof that you’re brain is working while you’re sleeping. And on average, we have anywhere between 4 – 7 dreams per night.
Do you ever worry that your brain is reaching maximum capacity when it comes to storage? While most of us probably experience days like that, this is actually impossible because our storage capacity is considered unlimited. Our brain consists of about 86 billion neurons, and those neurons connect to other neurons, and so on, which creates extra space up there. Now, if these neurons become damaged and stop working, this creates a disease known as Alzheimer’s.
(image via: istock)
You probably don’t need us to tell you this, but your brain generates random thoughts. Like, a lot of random thoughts. In fact, in 2005 the National Science Foundation published an article that stated the average person has about 12,000 – 60,000 thoughts per day, 95% of which are the same repetitive thoughts as the day before, and about 80% are negative thoughts.
Your brain is fat. In fact, your brain is the fattiest organ in your body consisting of a minimum of 60% fat. This is why healthy fats are so good for you! Not only do they stabilize the cell wall of your brain, but they reduce inflammation and help your immune system function properly.