No matter how much we love history, the past is so rich in stories that it is impossible to know everything that has ever happened throughout time. Of course, some historical events have left more of a lasting impression than others, but even the most minor happenings can have significant consequences. Tales of personal hardships are often overlooked, but they can help us connect with people from bygone eras and often show us that they were not very different from us today. Both retellings of important matters and private individual anecdotes aid us in making sense of earlier decades and centuries. Here, we have put together a compilation of facts that shed light on different and interesting parts of history that are often overlooked. Enjoy this dive into the past.

Izzy Eisenstein was the most prolific officer of the Prohibition Era
Between 1920 and 1933, the U.S. government outlawed alcohol. It was a controversial law, and illegal bars called “speakeasies” popped up nationwide. Many individuals began to make their own liquor at home, which led to people getting sick, and even blindness in some cases from consuming low-quality alcohol.

During those years, a special police division was set up to enforce the prohibition. Izzy Einstein was a Federal Police officer charged with sniffing out the booze. He had the record for most arrests and convictions in the first few years of the Prohibition Era.