We will never stop being amused by mother nature and the wonders of the seas, caves, and trees. Unbelievable miracles fill every nook and cranny of our planet, which may have been an outcome of adaptations we may have never imagined possible. While we think lakes, oceans, caves, and other natural features are amazing, we have certainly not uncovered the mysteries and fascinations lying under the sleeves of the animal kingdom. One of these wild occurrences about the animal kingdom is many of its members have transparent bodies. To add to the existing mysteries you have seen, we have compiled a list of 36 animals with see-through bodies. However, you can come across these transparent-bodied animals anywhere on the planet, even in a wide range of ecosystems, ranging from the deepest water bodies to above us on land. Since they have transparent bodies made of glass-like skin, we can maybe use them as mirrors in our homes. Their translucent bodies aren’t just for beautification; they have adapted this way to help them expertly camouflage and hide from predators. While we are yet to uncover the full mechanisms and purposes of their see-through bodies, we cannot deny that they are fascinating and surprising. Follow along to learn about these natural wonders.

Ghost Shrimp are Not Spirits
Shrimp is a delicious delicacy, and many of us love the taste. Humans have some common traits, and we have seen them in certain animals too. It is believed that ghosts have the power to appear and disappear, but trust us, ghost shrimp will never do this. Their translucent bodies give them their spirited name, “ghosts.”

Ghost shrimp will never disappear if you are privileged to catch one, but they may, if you are careless, jump back into the water. Ghost shrimp are so transparent that you can even see through their stomach and the meal they ate. They are common in lakes, and sandy beaches, and found in coastal regions around the Pacific Ocean.