Okay, we know that a good night’s sleep is vital for our overall health, but sometimes getting a good night’s sleep is so much easier said than done. The hardest part of getting a good night’s sleep often lies in the process of winding down at night. For some of us, this process is difficult because the evening is the only time we get to ourselves and for others, we just get weirdly amped at night. Whatever the reason, science is weighing in with tips that will help anyone wind down and get ready for the best sleep of their lives. (Well, we can hope!)

Let the Music Soothe You
Instead of turning on the tube when you get home or being alone with your thoughts (ew) try turning on some music instead. While classical music has been proven to lower our blood pressure and reduce stress, studies have shown that music from any old genre we love will calm us down and lift our mood.
Whoever Smelt It
We’ll keep it short because you’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but scents play a huge part in our sleeping and waking up routines. Try diffusing some lavender or lighting up a lavender candle when you get home to really ~set the mood~.
Baby Lock the Door
…and turn the lights down low. But seriously, bright lights signal to your body that you need to wake it up, so when you get home from work, turn on some ambient light to keep things dim. Make sure you have enough light to do what you need to do, just limit your light exposure. Blue light triggers a little something in our brain that gets our juices flowing, so, you know what we’re about to say, steer clear of your devices in the evening as you’re trying to wind down.
Step Away From the Coffee

Listen, we love a late afternoon coffee as much as anyone, but our evening wind down should actually start during the day, so make sure you’re saying “no thank you” to caffeine and alcohol as the afternoon goes on.
Spa Nights
Taking a warm shower or bath before bed is a great way to wind down and the process of your body warming up and then cooling down signals to your brain that it’s time for bed. A warm bath or shower is also a great way to relax your body.
Bedroom Mode: Activated
Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet, the perfect conditions for a good night’s sleep. A few minutes in a cool, dark, quiet room that smells of lavender after a relaxing bath, and you’ll be drifting off in no time.