Have you ever found yourself watching something from the ‘90s and catching a glimpse of some of the “technology” from back in the day and it’s so bad it’s laughable? Well, shame on you because technology in the ’90s was incredible and we’re going to prove it to you.
And yes, by ‘incredible’ we actually mean ‘incredibly bad’, let’s get started.
Dial-up Internet
We know it’s all you can hear right now. And we think Lorelai Gilmore (of The Gilmore Girls) said it best when she explains you can make a sandwich while you wait on your dial-up to connect. And frankly, it was a luxury. Hopefully, nobody needed then phone while you were surfing the web though.
The boss babes remember this one. And sure iPhones are cool and all but when you had a beeper, someone could page you, then you would have to find a phone to call the person back on, and now we’re starting to understand why this was actually quite inconvenient.

Floppy Discs
You know how we have Google Drives and before that, we used flash drives? Well before that, we had floppy discs. They were huge, not exactly functional, and now at all floppy, but hey, nowadays they make a pretty cool little piece of nostalgia.
If you or someone you know is a graphic designer, they were probably heavily influenced by KidPix or Microsoft Word art.

Hit Clips
Do you love listening to only bits and pieces of songs? Great! Hit Clips were designed just for you because you could only listen to snippets and at very low quality. These little keychain-sized cartridges were ~cute~ and all, but who wasn’t losing theirs?
A classic. Playing albums on the go? With headphones? So innovative. But when they claimed “no skip” on the packaging, they didn’t mean it. Take it from us, the Discman was not made for gym class.

Car Phones
If your car (okay, your parent’s car) had a car phone, then you were somebody. Did they take up too much room? Well, yeah. If it was the kind that was stored in a box was it easy to access? No, not so much. Did they work? Not really. But did they make you feel cool? Oh yeah.
VHS Tapes
Uhm.. name a better way to watch a movie. We’ll wait. Okay, a VHS tape wasn’t the best, with the film and the rewinding, and the pausing, and the cables, and the buttons, but we’d sure give anything to go back to a Blockbuster on a Friday night.