We love candles, even though, unfortunately, it’s been hotter than h-e-double hockey sticks outside. But luckily cooler days are coming and soon we’ll be opening our windows to let a crisp breeze in, lighting a candle to make our space smell cozy, and curling up with a spooky read and a hot mug of tea. Here’s the thing though we’re kind of snobby when it comes to our candles and we like them to be a bit of an extension of the rest of our decor as well as ourselves. (It’s our home, after all.) So we found several candles that, uh, well, speak our language, if you will. Let’s take a look!

Frostbeard Studio
This is the candle company for all of our bibliophiles. You can nab tins in various sizes, wax melts, and even mugs, prints, apparel, and tote bags if that’s your thing. And we haven’t even gotten to the best part yet, as you can guess, all of the scents are book-themed. A few of our favorite scents are Old Books, Rainy Day Reads, Spooky Stories, and Headmaster’s Office. If you’re having trouble choosing (we get it) you always have the option of signing up for Frostbeard Studios’ Candle of the Month Club or nab one of their sample packs. Check out Frostbeard Studio here!

Geeky Candles
The name pretty much sums it up, but this candle company is awesome because the scents of the candles have been thought up to replicate the atmospheres in certain films, books, and video games. Our personal favorite is the film collection where you can choose from scents such as Gloomy Horror, Classic Crime, and Epic Adventure. Each and every candle is poured by hand and made of eco-friendly ingredients. Check out Geeky Candles here!

Bubble and Geek
Our next nerdy candle company is known as Bubble and Geek, and they sure know how to make a dorky candle. And we are SO here for it. At Bubble and Geek you can choose from scents such as Autumn in Stars Hollow, Dark Arts, and The Oncoming Storm. This place doesn’t stop at candles though, you can also nab lip balm, wax melts, masks, and roll-on perfumes. Check out Bubble and Geek here!

Last, but certainly not least, Etsy, because you can find everything here and support makers from all around the world. A few of our favorite shops to nab nerdy candles from include EpicAdventuresCandles, 3D Candle Creations (pictured), and SmellsLikeBooks (we might be obsessed with book-scented candles.)