If you’re a writer then you fully understand that it’s no easy task. But like we always say, at least we have technology (and people out there way smarter than us inventing things!) So we put together a list of a few items that will make a writer’s life just a little easier. Let’s get started!
Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard
Words and ideas have a habit of coming to us at the worst time; we don’t typically have a pen and notebook with us, though we’re no stranger to writing things on a napkin, and sure we could whip our phones out and make a note that we’ll forget about later, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could just type a little something up really quick and have it done? With a foldable Bluetooth keyboard that ~literally~ fits in your pocket, you can totally do that now! Get one here.
A Subscription to Grammarly
If you aren’t familiar with Grammarly, it’s a great app that catches all of those silly little grammar and punctuation mistakes we’re all guilty of making. Frankly, we would be lost without it. For a premium subscription, you’ll pay around $12/month, but you won’t hear us complaining about the free version. Check it out here!
A Smart Notebook
These notebooks are getting increasingly popular and we get it. These notebooks provide us with the look and feel of a notebook, but everything we jot down will be uploaded to your smartphone, so you’ll always have a digital copy. You will need to nab a special pen to write on these notebooks, but the cool thing is they erase with just a little water and you can use your notebook again and again. Get one here!
A Visual Timer
Visual timers are great for so many things, and one of those is for writers to manage their time better. You know the drill, you get an idea, you start writing, and boom it’s 6 hours later and you’ve abandoned all of your responsibilities. Well, you can wave so long to those days with a visual timer; simply set it for X minutes, and commit to stepping away from your work when the timer goes off, then give yourself a five-minute break before you get back to it. We love visual timers simply for the fact you can see the amount of time you have left to work with. Get one here!
A Graphic Tee
Okay, this isn’t a gadget nor will this help you write more or faster or manage your time better, but it’s a fun play on words and why not tell the world you’re a writer? Get one here!