Whether you’re a naturally anxious person or you’ve just not done well with the fifty-year pandemic we’re in, we’re betting you could chill out a little. We know we certainly could. But sometimes relaxing is easier said than done, but like we always say: luckily we have science on our side! Here are a few ways scientists and research tells us we can relax.
Take a Hot Bath
(image via: huffpost)
Seriously! After a long stressful day, studies have shown that taking a hot bath can increase blood flow, which reduces stiffness in the body and pain in the joints. And what does less pain equal? A calm body and a calm mind. We also recommend turning the lights off and lighting a few candles to create some ambiance. But that’s just us.
Laughter IS the Best Medicine
If you find yourself feeling a little extra stressed out during your day, turn on your favorite stand-up act or scroll TikTok for a few minutes just to crack a smile and let out a chuckle. Science tells us that laughter actually relaxes our bodies, lowers the stress-inducing hormone cortisol, and increases endorphins, which make you happy. (Thank you, Elle Woods.)
Daydream Believer
(image via: verv)
Zoning out is a great way to relax, in fact, psychologists recommend people spend about fifteen minutes a day daydreaming about their favorite vacation spot. Not only can this help you stay more focused throughout the day, but it can also reduce stress. So from now on when you catch yourself zoning out, you can just say it was for science.
Take a Nap
Stressing out can amp us up, and sometimes the only way to come down from that is to drift off to sleep. Even if you are only able to sneak in a quick nap, odds are when you wake up, you’ll be feeling much more relaxed and you’ll be able to think more clearly. (Basically when you wake up, things won’t seem so bad.)
Make Some Art
(image via: exploring your mind)
Whether it’s some magnificent canvas or a page from a kids coloring book, focusing on some form of art can reduce our stress tremendously. If you think this is the kind of relaxation you need during your day, we recommend keeping a sketchbook or adult coloring book near you for an artsy break whenever you may need it.
Step Away from the Smartphone
Checking your many social media accounts is not a way to calm down, in fact, studies have shown that people known as “constant checkers” are far more stressed out than those that don’t constantly check their phones. So if you’re feeling stressed, make sure you take some time during each day to unplug.