Most of the time, we expect our partners to be charming, mature, and to behave in a respectful manner, especially toward us. However, sometimes, they can turn into children in a matter of seconds if something doesn’t go their way. This behavior can be forgiven, though, when they come through for us when challenges arise, or after we come home from work exhausted and see that they have taken more initiative regarding the housework. Today, when more men and women are working equal hours outside of the home and spending the same time away from the family, teamwork is essential, especially when it comes to household chores. In fact, we believe that the basis of any relationship is teamwork. Here, we present some witty hacks with which to surprise our significant others to save all of us some time to watch Netflix, curl up on the couch, or both.

Chopping onions can be a high-risk sport
One of the riskiest rooms in the house is the kitchen. There are boiling temperatures, sharp knives, oil splatters, and onions that bring tears to our eyes. When it comes to slicing onions, it doesn’t always have to end in tears. Here’s a nifty life-saver secret.

As simple as cooking may seem, we all know that chopping onions is risky. Indeed, this man has had some trouble with onions in the past, so he decided not only to face them again but also found the perfect armor: goggles.