It Might Not Be Worth It In The First Place
This is how it is when it comes to math. At first, it looks as simple as saying 2+2 is four or 2×2 = 4, while at the elementary math level. However, it changes as one gets to middle school, where it’s still doable. When it gets to high school, the plot progresses to a more difficult level where one thinks it is like, “let me opt out.” However, as a science student, you find that you might not be at a point where it might be hard going back, especially when considering the pride of being a science student.
Getting to college is another issue, as is seen in the image. The picture shows that the cartoon character is consumed with the stress of studying math. Meanwhile, at this point, one can not go back, it’s too late. The last straw that breaks the camels is when one graduates and gets a job, only to discover that all the stress of a sleepless night might have been needed in the first place. Does that sound painful? Yeah, it should. Everything about science is great, though the tough aspects might make one give up. Ultimately, it is always worth it because science is the mother of all inventions. Fun and science can go together, and this collection of science memes has shown that is possible. Although not always understood, there is much interest and facts if only you take the time to see where these science memes are coming from and going.