What If I Open The Door Of The Airplane During the Flight?
No one would want to perform such a feat on a flight because everyone on board would pay for it. Firstly, you should never try doing that. Also, know that nobody would be able to do that because, at a typical cruising altitude for a passenger airplane, there are about 3.3 pounds of pressure applied to every square inch of the plane’s surface. Considering the size of a plane door, which is about six feet tall and 3.5 feet wide, an individual would have to provide more than 24,000 lbs or 10.9 metric tons of force to open the door.

Based on that simple arithmetic, you can understand that no one would be able to open the door. However, let’s say that someone did manage to open the door. What would happen? It would cause a rapid decompression that would depressurize the plane cabin in a matter of seconds, causing a strong suction pull. This would cause all loose objects to be sucked outside the plane, including people who aren’t buckled in. Not only that but the cabin temperature and oxygen levels would begin to plummet, thereby causing passengers without an oxygen mask to be deprived of oxygen. Or, of course, the simpler idea that you’d be tackled down by enough people and tied up as a crazy person.